1. Create Worksheets & Workbooks
1.1 Create a Workbook
1.2 Import data from a delimited text file
1.3 Add a worksheet to an existing workbook
1.4 Copy & Move a Worksheet
2. Navigate in worksheets and Workbooks
2.1 Search for data within a workbook
2.2 Navigate to a named cell, range, or workbook element
2.3 Insert and remove hyperlinks
3. Format Worksheets & Workbooks
3.1 Change worksheet tab colour
3.2 Rename a Worksheet
3.3 Change worksheet order
3.4 Modify page setup
3.5 Insert & Delete columns or rows
3.6 Change workbook themes
3.7 Adjust row height and column width
3.8 Insert headers and footers
4. Customize Options and Views for Worksheets & Workbooks
4.1 Hide or unhide worksheets
4.2 Hide or unhide columns and rows
4.3 Customize the Quick Access toolbar
4.4 Change workbook views
4.5 Change window views
4.6 Modify document properties
4.7 Change magnification by using zoom tools
4.8 Display formulas
5. Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution
5.1 Set a print are
5.2 Save workbooks in alternative file formats
5.3 Print all or part of a workbook
5.4 Set print scaling
5.5 Display repeating row and column titles on multiple worksheets
5.6 Inspect a workbook for hidden properties or personal information
5.7 Inspect a workbook for accessibility issues
5.8 Inspect a workbook form compatibility issues
6. Insert Data in Cells and Ranges
6.1 Replace Data
6.2 Cut, Copy, or paste data
6.3 Paste data by using special paste options
6.4 Fill cells by using Auto Fill
6.5 Insert and delete cells
7. Format Cells and Ranges
7.1 Merge cells
7.2 Modify cell alignment and indentation
7.3 Format cells by using Format Painter
7.4 Wrap text within cells
7.5 Apply number formats
7.6 Apply cell formats
7.7 Apply Cell styles
8. Summarize and Organize Data
8.1 Insert sparklines
8.2 Outline data
8.3 Insert subtotals
8.4 Apply conditional formatting
9. Create and Manage Tables
9.1 Create an Excel table from a cell range
9.2 Convert table to a cell range
9.2 Add or remove table rows and columns
10. Manage Table Styles & Options
10.1 Apply Styles to tables
10.2 Configure table style options
10.3 Insert total rows 19.1 A 19.2 A Summarize Data by using Functions
11. Filter and Sort a Table
11.1 Filter records
11.2 Sort data by multiple columns
11.3 Change sort order
11.4 Remove duplicate records
12. Summarize Data by Using Functions
12.1 Insert references
12.2 Calculations by using the SUM Function
12.3 Calculations by using MIN and MAX functions
12.4 Calculations by using the COUNT function
12.5 Calculations by using the AVERAGE function
13. Perform Conditional Operations by using Functions
13.1 Logical operations by using the COUNTIF function
13.2 Logical operations by using the IF function
13.3 Logical operations by using the SUMIF function
13.4 Logical operations by using the AVERAGEIF function
14. Format and Modify Text by using Functions
14.1 Format text by RIGHT, LEFT, & MID functions
14.2 Format text by UPPER, LOWER, & PROPER function
14.3 Format text by the CONCATENATE function
15. Create Charts
15.1 Create a new chart
15.2 Add additional data series
15.2 Switch between rows and columns in source data
15.3 Analyze data by using Quick Analysis
16. Format Charts
16.1 Resize charts
16.2 Add and modify chart elements
16.2 Apply chart layouts and styles
16.3 Move charts to a chart sheet
17. Insert and Format Objects
17.1 Insert text objects and shapes
17.2 Insert images
17.3 Modify object properties
17.4 Add alternative text to objects for accessibility
18. Manage Workbook Options & Settings
18.1 Manage Workbooks and Review Workbooks
19. Apply Custom Data Formats & Layouts
19.1 Apply custom data formats & validation
19.2 Apply advanced conditional formatting & Filtering
19.3 Create & modify custom workbook elements
20. Create Advanced Formulas, Charts & Tables
20.1 Apply Functions in Formulas
20.2 Lookup Data by using Functions
20.3 Date & Time Functions
20.4 Perform data analysis & business intelligence
20.5 Define Named ranges & objects
20.6 Create advanced charts
20.7 Create & manage Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
20.8 V lookup, H lookup, Filters.
20.9 Maths & Trig Functions, Trace Precedents & Dependents
21. More on Data Tab & Review Tab
21.1 Queries & Connections, Sort, Filter, Text to Columns
21.2 What-if Analysis, Thesaurus, Workbook statistics
21.3 Spell & Grammar Check, Translate, Comment, Protect Sheet,